Meeting 57th Street Friends: Judy Wolicki

When I asked Friend Judy Wolicki if she would be willing to come to our First Day School class and meet with the children, she agreed without hesitation and already had a book in mind: Thy Friend, Obadiah by Brinton Turkle. Though we’ve talked a lot about Quakerism through the Meeting Meeting Friends program, we haven’t so directly spoken to each other about our identities as Friends – I imagined this would be a perfect opportunity to do so!

Judy read "Thy Friend, Obadiah" aloud

In this story, a young Quaker boy named Obadiah discovers the value of a friendship in an unexpected place.  It led us to explore all the people (and animals) we have as friends, and how you can discover that someone you didn’t know was your friend might be once you realize a commonality or shared experience between you.

After reading the story, we talked with Judy about what it means to her to be a Friend.  Everyone contributed to the conversation & the children made a list –

Being a Quaker, means you believe in:
– peace
– love
– making friends & playing with friends
– loving all the people of the world
– helping people
– helping the world
– being a good listener

I think its wonderful that our children have the Obadiah stories to read about their Quakerism through the experiences of this little boy; they seem so comfortable talking about it in a way I don’t think I did when I was their age.  Obadiah was able to offer help when it was needed, a universal experience that in many ways transcends this faith, but at the same time is so core to understanding it (at least I think so, working daily to help my little boys identify as Friends).

Drawing self-portraits, we're Quakers just like Obadiah!

And Judy was able to speak with those gathered in a way other adults hadn’t yet: she asked them questions, modeled good listening, explored their thinking alongside them, and offered ideas in a way that they genuinely seemed to understand (not an easy thing, remember Tiegan & Riona are just 6 and Gus is only 4).  A special  treat for me: my father – who only has 25+ years teaching First Day School – was in attendance this morning to assist.  Having my children know their grandparents are Quakers, too, is another way I get to demonstrate the importance of community and being connected to those around us, those we love, as practicing Friends.

“Meeting 57th Street Friends”
 is a special project at 57th Street Meeting (Chicago) that took place Oct 2010 – March 2011 where non-parent adult Friends visit with the Meeting children each month to share their reflections on Quaker life & identity today by exploring something they hold dear. A childhood memory, a story, a life lesson or a life passion – by sharing our experiences across the generations we are living in community.  Learning from each other about our lives is a way to move towards better understanding and our testimony to peace.  

Meeting 57th Street Friends: Eli Rorem

Author: Breeze Richardson

Throughout the past several months, the children of 57th Street Meeting have learned about being resourceful and reusing materials with Chip, how adults and children may see the world differently with Bruce, appreciation and giving when they baked tea cakes for the Meeting with Contessa, and this month about volunteer service with Eli. I continue to believe that having these Friends share something important to them – connected to their Quakerism – is a valuable way to teach Quaker identity to our Meeting children.

Eli Rorem is an important member of the 57th Meeting community. He is probably the adult our Meeting children know best, outside the parents, for his loving attention to their presence. Eli can often be found giving one of them a hug, and asking them questions about their day.

One thing important to Eli is his service as a volunteer firefighter in Kankakee, IL where honestly, loyalty, trust, and integrity are core values to the City Fire Department. When I asked Eli if he would come be our guest at First Day School he arrived with all his equipment to share with the children. As you can see in the photos, they all loved his helmet the most. After telling of his experiences and getting dressed, the older children were willing to pose for a photo, however the younger children were a bit more cautious regarding the transformation.


I recently read this blog post by another Quaker mom wondering how to tackle the challenge of teaching a religion with no creed or dogma. She raises all the questions I’ve been asking myself for the past few years. I don’t know the answer – far from it – but I am convinced that two things couldn’t be more important: I want my children to know the Quakers around them so that they can explore this faith tradition through its people, and I want to live community, equality, integrity, simplicity and peace alongside them so that they can learn these testimonies through their own experiences.

“Meeting 57th Street Friends” is a special project at 57th Street Meeting (Chicago) that took place Oct 2010 – March 2011 where non-parent adult Friends visit with the Meeting children each month to share their reflections on Quaker life & identity today by exploring something they hold dear. A childhood memory, a story, a life lesson or a life passion – by sharing our experiences across the generations we are living in community.  Learning from each other about our lives is a way to move towards better understanding and our testimony to peace.  

Meeting 57th Street Friends: Contessa Miller

Author: Breeze Richardson

In December we saw our largest crowd yet, with Tiegan, Riona and Gus being joined by Iggy, Jackson, Adrian, and his friend Owen. Perhaps it was in great anticipation of Contessa’s lesson: we were headed into the kitchen to make teacakes!


Watch the photo slideshow to see the children in action as they worked together to bake these treats. Throughout the experience we talked about baking, the necessary ingredients, measurements and favorite things.

When I asked Contessa afterwards what she might have to share about the experience, she wrote: “I loved being with the children and felt so warm and happy inside as they seemed to be loving my being with them too. I glowed as they followed me upstairs for the end of Worship and were gathered around me near the fireplace. I can’t remember being happier in my life!”

As the “Meeting Meeting Friends” series continues, I do feel its beginning to start something special. Bruce (who was our guest in November) joined us as a helping Friend for the December lesson and the children were noticeably familiar with him. I liked it. I do think this experiment in deepening community is working. (And so to Friends of 57th Street Meeting: I am looking for Spring guests, so please get in touch if you are interested in getting to know the Meeting children a bit better!)

Lastly, …drumroll, please… here is the recipe we used for Old Fashioned Teacakes. If you’re led, be with us in spirit and bake up a batch – preferably with a good friend!

3 cups of white flour
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1 1/2 teaspoon of nutmeg
1 teaspoon of baking soda
1 1/2 cup of powdered sugar
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
4 sticks of butter (softened)
1 egg
1/2 cup of buttermilk
~ ~ ~ ~

Cream together softened butter, powdered sugar, egg, buttermilk, and vanilla.
Sift together flour, soda, salt, and nutmeg.

Roll dough out on a floured board; with a teaspoon scoop up a bit of dough and roll into a ball; place onto cookie sheet about an inch or so apart.  You probably will need to keep the palms of your hands well floured.

Bake at 350 degrees for approximately 15 minutes until lightly brown.  Let cool before removing.

Happy holidays.

“Meeting 57th Street Friends” is a special project at 57th Street Meeting (Chicago) that took place Oct 2010 – March 2011 where non-parent adult Friends visit with the Meeting children each month to share their reflections on Quaker life & identity today by exploring something they hold dear. A childhood memory, a story, a life lesson or a life passion – by sharing our experiences across the generations we are living in community.  Learning from each other about our lives is a way to move towards better understanding and our testimony to peace.  

Meeting 57th Street Friends: Bruce Chenoweth

Author: Breeze Richardson

On the third First Day in November the First Day School of 57th Street Meeting was joined by Friend Bruce Chenoweth, who brought with him a favorite & much loved book.

The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry begins with a thought-provoking  dedication: “I ask the indulgence of the children who may read this book for  dedicating it to a grown-up…  All grown-ups were once children – although few of  them remember it.”

Bruce began his introduction of the book with this dedication, and the children  seemed to appreciate the honest acknowledgement that there is indeed a difference  between adults and children (and I appreciated it as well).

As Bruce continued his reading with the book’s beginning pages, Tiegan, Riona and Gus sat patiently and listened, looking at the drawings (“of a hat?” Riona said of the first drawing, which Bruce and I shared a smile at & all those familiar with this story have to also find a bit amusing).

When we had corresponded in the weeks before this lesson, Bruce had shared a drawing his wife Chris had given him as a birthday card. He brought it this morning to share with them in person:

I continued with a bit more from “The Little Prince” after Bruce’s reading, sharing the story of The Prince’s rose. We read about how he first thought it the most unique and unlike any other flower in the world. “If someone loves a flower, of which just one single blossom grows in all the millions and millions of stars, it is enough to make him happy just to look at the stars.” But then he came upon a rose garden and spoke with them, realizing that while he thought his rose was the most unique in all the world, it was just a common rose.

Unique and common. Two interesting concepts for twin almost six year-old girls and an almost four year-old little boy.  But they understand being loved, being special, being cherished, and how sharing with those you love that they are special is important and always well-received.

To finish the hour, we made our own roses “most unique in all the world”.  Thank you to Bruce for joining us and sharing a special story!

“Meeting 57th Street Friends” is a special project at 57th Street Meeting (Chicago) that took place Oct 2010 – March 2011 where non-parent adult Friends visit with the Meeting children each month to share their reflections on Quaker life & identity today by exploring something they hold dear. A childhood memory, a story, a life lesson or a life passion – by sharing our experiences across the generations we are living in community.  Learning from each other about our lives is a way to move towards better understanding and our testimony to peace.  




Meeting 57th Street Friends: Chip Rorem

Author: Breeze Richardson

Welcome to a new series, a monthly contribution to “How Do You See Peace?” which aims to extend a First Day School lesson at 57th Street Meeting of Friends into the virtual space as a way to extend the experience. What thoughts do you have to share with the children?  What ideas does this story give you?  Please add your Comments below.

Teaching the Meeting children by example, we are building community, as we meet adult Friends one at a time & hear something about their childhood that still influences them today or they think the kids might enjoy.  Learning more about each other we are in a better position to say hi after Meeting, share a treat, and support one another in our lives (plus it helps to remember people’s names).

Chip Rorem is an amazing Friend.  His presence is always joyful & his attention towards the youngest members of & visitors to our Meeting is intentional and loving.  When I asked him about his willingness to join me in First Day School so that the children could get to know him better, he was delighted and immediately had a story to tell.  A wonderful story, which shared a special time from his childhood that led to an adult outcome which saved resources, taught a powerful lesson and allowed for the execution of Quaker witness in a meaningful and contemporary way.


One summer when Chip was a boy, his backyard was turned into a lumber yard when the scrap wood from the kitchen equipment crates that his dad brought home from work became the prized possession of the neighborhood kids.  They dutifully organized what they were given to assess the collection, borrowed tools from parents, asked one dad for some nails & bought others with their allowance.  Then construction began: a treehouse was underway!

As Chip told his story, he illustrated on a large tree exactly how he and his friends troubleshooted each step. Adding rungs up the tree to get taller, building a platform, then a railing, then a roof.  Once the treehouse and the story were complete, he handed out pictures of the tree to each of the kids to draw their own treehouses.  They followed his lead exactly: rungs up the tree, a platform, railing and roof.  They added rain (because why would you need a roof unless it was raining?) and stickers of friends & supplies (like fruit and footballs).  Chip told them of resourcefulness – reusing the crate lumber to make such a wonderful play space – as well as team work & learning. (One of my favorite parts of the story was when Chip told of he and his friends scouting for construction sites then spending the afternoon sitting on large piles of dirt, taking copious mental notes as they watched the men build actual houses so that they might learn how to accomplish something with their own build that had been previously unsuccessful.)

But perhaps the coolest part of Chip’s story was the end, after the children had finished drawing their beautiful treehouses, we gathered back around to share before heading up to Meeting.  He passed around pictures of the Cabins at McNabb and told of how their creation was in the same spirit as the treehouses.  As most adults in the Yearly Meeting know, the cabins are reclaimed from the dorm that once stood at the property.  Instead of being destroyed, that building was deconstructed so that the building materials could be reused.  Even the floor, which was cut into the exact sizes needed for the Cabin floors, was reused.  It was a beautiful end to a wonderful story, with a powerful lesson of creative thinking and re-use.  Child’s play can inspire great achievement.  Thanks again to Chip!

“Meeting 57th Street Friends” is a special project at 57th Street Meeting (Chicago) that took place Oct 2010 – March 2011 where non-parent adult Friends visit with the Meeting children each month to share their reflections on Quaker life & identity today by exploring something they hold dear. A childhood memory, a story, a life lesson or a life passion – by sharing our experiences across the generations we are living in community.  Learning from each other about our lives is a way to move towards better understanding and our testimony to peace.