Active but not Writing… Until Now!

Author: Breeze Richardson

Dear Friends,
If you have subscribed to “How Do You See Peace?” or had regularly visited here upon our project launch, you know we have been pretty silent for the past year. Silent, at least, in this space. But it wasn’t intentional and as we’ve collaborated on other areas of our work as the Peace Resources Committee of Illinois Yearly Meeting, we’ve talked about “the blog” a lot. In the past month, I am happy to say we have collectively decided we want to come back to it.

For me personally, it’s two young children and a career that’s kept me away. I’ve thought so often about writing, wanting to share some experience or thought that I was hungry for a response to… what did other Friends think? …what words of encouragement were waiting for me? …what new insight could be right around the corner?

The thing that is most exciting about this project for me is the opportunity to share and reflect on peace in our daily lives today. There are so many moments where a choice is made to react, say, think, or do something that profoundly (albeit sometimes in a small way) impacts the way you see the world. If I can process those moments in my own life, and learn from others about theirs, I will have a unique opportunity to make different choices. I believe that. And with the Chicago summer at my doorstep, let the conversation begin again!

Killing in Our Name

Author: David Finke (upon request by PRC)

One of the agonizing aspects of capital punishment (a/k/a the State killing its own citizens) is that — in its official-sounding pomposity — a convict is executed (in our case) “in the name of the People of the State of Missouri.”

That’s what happened in the early hours of May 20th, after a 4-year hiatus in which there were no death sentences carried out here. In a dozen locations across Missouri people gathered in witness against this act, saying in effect, “Not in OUR name!”

The man who was systematically poisoned to death (though supposedly unconscious) was Dennis Skillicorn, involved in at least 3 murders — never as the direct perpetrator but yet legally liable as an accomplice.

Whether or not one is moved by the case (easy to make) that he was repentant and rehabilitated and had given his last 15 years to efforts at restorative justice, the opposition to killing him was a religious and philosophical one for most of us, not dependent on the specifics of his case.

I was gratified to see that — on the vigil line in front of the county courthouse in Columbia, MO, the night of Dennis’ execution — we had a dozen folks who in some way or another were part of our Friends Meeting. The mentor/exemplar for us all in these efforts has been Friend John Schuder, aged 87, who decades ago founded the Fellowship of Reconciliation in central Missouri. He has made and maintained the collection of incisive and dignified signs for people to hold on these vigils, and is unswervingly our most eloquent spokesperson.

Three of our local Quakers are featured in this picture of quiet outrage and grief. The image of people standing in silence rather than ranting is one that gets through to many, and bit by bit may help turn the tide of public opinion.

There were about 40 people present, including Catholic Worker folks who have a huge quilt on which they keep adding pictures of yet one more person put to death in our name since the ghastly practice resumed perhaps 20 years ago. We’ve killed over 50 human beings, and I think rank just behind Texas and Georgia (or Florida) in our blood-lust. [Editorial note: Skillicorn was the 67th Missouri inmate to be put to death since capital punishment was reinstated in the state in 1989; source: Kansas City Star – May 20, 2009.]

I’m grateful that we have the support of our Yearly Meeting, and help of Peace Resources Committee, for caring about this and being at the forefront of public witness against this barbarism. And that’s what it is, regardless of how Officialdom keeps trying to sanitize it.

ILYM Winter Retreat: Non-Violent Communication

Author: Dawn Rubbert


Having been exposed to the principles of Non-Violent Communication and the work of Dr. Marshall Rosenberg, who created this method, I am looking forward to the retreat next weekend (Feb 20-22, 2009). I have learned enough about the principles to recognize that in order to use peaceful communication one must practice. The world in which we live does not generally support this kind of communication, it does not come naturally. Rather it must be cultivated and intentionally developed. One needs to practice so that skills will increase and come more easily with less thought as time goes on. Non-Violent Communication is sometimes called “Compassionate Communication”. It is one way to be proactively peaceful in our world. Language is more powerful than we tend to realize, especially on a daily level.


Just try getting through a day without using words that, in some context, refer to violence. I think, from my experience, that you will be amazed. Do you ride in elevators? What word do you use to tell someone what to do to the buttons? Perhaps you say something like “hit” seven for me . . .


Who has not encountered a situation where language separated them from someone else? Misunderstandings about what words mean? Surely you have heard the famous story about England and the United States being separated by a common language.


So, I am thrilled to have an opportunity to deepen my understanding, be with others who are learning, and have a safe Quaker “family” with whom I can practice. They say that practice makes perfect . . . We could all use a more perfect world and I must start/continue that venture by working on myself.

Poverty Draft in High Gear–and Proud of It?

Author: Kent Busse
(a guest writing, posted by Bridget Rorem)

I recently read the New York Times article, “More Joining U.S. Military as Jobs Dwindle“…

This reinforces my idea that we need to have an official draft (universal national service) so that the country will not feel good about the poverty draft.  It is too easy for people to vote to send somebody else’s children to combat.  My version of the draft is a FREE CHOICE between military and alternative service–no exceptions, no excuses.  If enough Americans believe in having a military, we will have one.  We will vote with our feet–the same as we do in the marketplace.  It is the same principle as the Alternative Peace Tax Fund.

On the surface I’m a bad Quaker (a misfit in AFSC) because I believe there SHOULD be a draft.  I hope the above paragraph clarifies what I mean by that.

FURTHERMORE:  (organized economic feasibility)  In ancient Rome, one senator realized that they could not recall the Roman Army because there was not enough food in all of Rome to feed it.  Our economy has reached the corresponding stage–it would totally collapse if the U.S. military disappeared in an instant.  My approach is to CHANGE WHAT THE MILITARY DOES:  replace search and destroy with search and rescue.  It would be a vehicle for scientific research (e.g. feeding the world population) and distribution of cooperative initiatives to end the causes of war.  The Department of Peace discussions tend toward this direction.  Having UNIVERSAL military / alternative service would also be a wrenching shift in the economy, but it could be designed logically.

AND FINALLY:  (public safety is a MUTUAL responsibility)  Even in a world with evenly distributed wealth, open democracy, etc. there may be a need for police presence to deal with the anomalies of individuals who become violent for whatever reason remains to do so.  To me military means “A does to B,” while acceptable police work is “A, B, C, D” mutually carry out the standards of behavior that THEY HAVE MUTUALLY CHOSEN to enforce ON THEMSELVES.

What do you think?

Reforming a Bankrupt System

Author: Patricia McMillen

When I received an email yesterday asking for people to testify on January 26 before what may be the last (ever) public hearing of Illinois’ Capital Punishment Reform Study Committee, I hesitated for a minute.  “I’m not a reformer, I’m an abolitionist,” I thought.  What could I possibly say?  And worse: What Would Other People Say?  I could hear those voices already:  What’s a nice abolitionist like you doing in a place like this?

In fact, as a confirmed death penalty abolitionist of a few years’ standing, it’s abundantly clear to me that there is no way to reform Illinois’ death penalty: no amount of additional oversight, right of appeal, or protection of ancillary rights (such as the right not to be tortured into a false confession)–what the late Supreme Court Justice Harry A. Blackmun, dissenting from the Court’s 1994 decision in the Texas death penalty case, Callins v. Collins, called “tinker[ing] with the machinery of death”–can, in my view, make a wrong punishment “better,” let alone right.

On the other hand, though I disagree fundamentally with the State’s presumed power to impose legal death on a prisoner, my attendance, as an observer, at much of the 2007 trial of Rodney Adkins, now on Illinois’ death row for the burglary and murder of Catherine McAvinchey in 2003, gave me insight into some of the specific wrongs which occur in Illinois’ enforcement of that unjust power.  To name only a few, these include the practice of employing “victim advocates” which report to the State’s Attorney (and therefore are unlikely to “advocate” in favor of victim family members who, as an unknown number of them do, disagree fundamentally with the State’s system of retributive justice);  the harassment I experienced as a court watcher in what should have been a public forum; the observable racial imbalance in the Maywood courtroom where Adkins was tried and convicted; and the equally observable inability of Adkins’ trial counsel to impress upon him the necessity of taking his own trial seriously, possibly an effect of this defendant’s lifetime of drug abuse and lack of education.  These factors were sufficient, at least in my mind, to make imposition of the sentence of death particularly egregious in the Adkins case, notwithstanding what I’d also characterize as a nearly flawless performance by the arresting officers, the State’s Attorney who took Adkins’ videotaped confession, and even the prosecuting trial attorneys, who seemed quite competent and professional in their presentation of the voluminous evidence of Adkins’ guilt.

After outlining these topics informally with one of the CPRSC members, I now find myself  persuaded to give my testimony to the Committee, and I’m even planning to meet next week with another Friend who (as she also attended part of the Adkins trial, as an observer) I hope will also testify, or at least file written testimony with the Committee.  (At this point I’m not sure how to do that, but if others are interested, I will post details.)  And I hope that other reformers/abolitionists will join us in offering testimony at this hearing, which will take place 9-5 in a conference room off the atrium (lower level) food court in the Thompson Center (Lake and LaSalle Sts., Chicago). NOTE that outright abolition statements will not be welcome (while some members of the CPRSC are abolitionists, the sole charge of the committee is to study “reform,” not abolition).

Purpose of Prayer

Author: Breeze Richardson

In the conference’s Opening Worship yesterday, a prayer was shared that I’ve found myself returning to throughout the day today.

Each stanza was read in Spanish, then the 300 gathered recited it in English, which I think gave me time to soak in the meaning and motivation, and personalize its intention a little more. Perhaps I’m more open to the idea of prayer than I thought.

“Prayer of the Farmworker’s Struggle”

Show me the suffering of the most miserable;
So I will know my people’s plight.

Grant me the courage to serve others;
For in service there is true life.

Bring forth song and celebration;
So that the Spirit may be live among us.

Let the Spirit flourish and grow;
So that we may never tire of the struggle.

Let us remember those who have died for justice;
For they have given us life.

Help us to love even those who hate us;
So we can change the world.

The Spirit Flourishes Among Us

Author: Breeze Richardson

Today I arrived in Philadelphia for the start of “Heeding God’s Call” – it has been a whirlwind start, to say the least.

I’ve always been one of those Friends that is deeply rooted in Quaker testimonies and in my identity as a member of the Religious Society of Friends, but am not christnocentric (at all) in my beliefs. Therefore, being in an environment that it this evangelical is challenging.

But I had an inspirational afternoon! Reverend Dr. James A. Forbes, Jr. was a fabulous start to this experience. In the context of considering this time in our lives quite possibly the year of the Lord’s favor, Rev. Forbes asked us not only to dwell on the sadness & conflict in the world, but instead ask: What are you thankful for?

I am thankful for family, for good health, for passion and inspiration, for a desire to nurture community, for friends, and for love.

What are you thankful for?