ILYM PRC Objectives:
a) To develop a proactive conscientious objection counseling program;
b) To assist young Friends in expressing their personal peace testimonies and documenting these beliefs for their spiritual growth as well as for a draft board, should one be activated;
c) To share these processes with junior high, senior high and adult Young Friends in cooperation with the Youth Oversight Committee;
d) To explore possibilities of working with existing peace-building activities such as the Quaker Volunteer Service, Training & Witness Committee; Project Lakota; and the AFSC/Intermountain Yearly Meeting Joint Service Project to enhance peace building with a spiritual and service-oriented basis for Young Friends;
e) To encourage Friends to examine and re-examine the meaning of the Peace Testimony in the context of our response to modern terrorism and war which has made it possible to wreak major devastation on people and their environment with minimal direct human involvement;
f) To become a source of knowledge and to encourage Friends’ consideration of the options for and rationale of resistance to payment of war taxes;
g) To serve as a resource for monthly meetings, quarterly meetings, regional meetings and IYLM’s program committee in identifying knowledgeable speakers and workshop leaders on the above topics.