About Us

Urbana-Champaign Friends Meeting is a Quaker Meeting located in East-Central Illinois.  Quakers are organized as the Religious Society of Friends, which was founded by George Fox, Margaret Fell, and others in mid-17th century England.
The basis of the faith of the Religious Society of Friends is the belief that every human being is endowed with the divine spirit which may be directly experienced.  Therefore we worship in reverent silence with the desire to draw nearer to the spirit and to each other.  All present sit expectantly in the silence, seeking the light.  Any individual may be moved by the spirit to speak out of the silence and share ministry with the gathered community.
Out of our Quaker belief in the inner light grows what has come to be called the Quaker “Testimonies” — our deep commitment to Peace, Equality, Integrity, Simplicity, Community, and Stewardship.  These testimonies are the basis for how Quaker Meetings govern themselves and for the fierce social activism that Quakers often undertake in the community at large.
Urbana-Champaign Friends Meeting belongs to these wider Quaker organizations: Blue River Quarterly Meeting and Illinois Yearly Meeting, and is associated with Friends General Conference.

Urbana-Champaign Friends Meeting
1904 East Main Street
Urbana, IL 61802

Email: ucfriendsmeeting.clerk@gmail.com