What to Expect

You are welcome to Urbana-Champaign Friends Meeting!

Meeting for Worship is from 10:30 – 11:30am each Sunday. We worship in the traditional manner of Friends, waiting silently until moved to speak, with no professional pastor and no prepared sermons. We open ourselves to be present in the moment and listen to the Inner Light and follow where the Spirit leads us. Dress is comfortable and casual at Urbana-Champaign Friends Meeting.

Following Meeting for Worship, we do introductions and announcements, and have social time with refreshments. All are invited to attend. In addition to Meeting for Worship, the Urbana-Champaign Friends Meeting hosts many other events and activities during a typical week. These can be found on our announcements page.

We invite children to the first fifteen minutes of Meeting for Worship. Then, they may stay in worship or join the First Day School at 10:45.  Child-care is provided every Sunday.