Annual Sessions documents for download and review:
The theme of Annual Sessions this year is “Facing Fear with Faith.” Over the past years, burgeoning environmental crises, the degradation of political and social discourse, the explicit use of fear to inspire hatred and mistrust among those who are different, and unrelenting and heartbreaking violence have left many of us deeply fearful. Yet, Quaker principles call us to act, challenging us not only to move through our own fear and the paralysis it can cause, but also to recognize and productively respond to the fears of others. Annual Sessions will be a time together to jointly explore ways to draw on Quaker faith and the inner light to confront and understand difficult realities, to discern how to act despite fear, and to answer others’ fear with compassion, responding to the world from a place of deep faithfulness and love.
ILYM Annual Sessions will be held June 19-23 on the campus of ILYM (1436 N 350th Ave., McNabb, IL 61335. Site preparation for Annual Sessions will begin on Saturday, June 15.
In addition to the compiled documents two other longer documents that will be presented at Annual Sessions are also available:
Download Employee Manual —– Download Safe Congregations Policy
Early registration was due by June 1. Online Registration ended June 16.
Download Adult Registration Form
Download Children’s Sessions Registration Form
2019 Annual Sessions Program Details
Wednesday evening

Thursday evening

Friday evening
Traditional dancing on the front lawn.Saturday evening

Sunday morning
The Plummer Lecture, “What canst thou say?,” will be presented by Gwen Weaver of Lake Forest Friends Meeting. Gwen currently serves as Assistant Director of Academic Advising Services at the School for New Learning of DePaul University in Chicago. Adult Children All
Time | Event |
12:30-1:45 pm | Registration Desk Open |
2:00-3:30 | Opening Session: Worship & Business Meeting |
3:30-6:00 | Free time/committee meetings |
3:45-6:00 | Registration Desk Open |
5:30-6:00 | Singing on front porch |
6:00-7:00 | Dinner (volunteers eat 30 min. early) |
6:30-7:30 | Registration Desk Open |
7:15-9:00 | Hayrack Ride and games for children; Babysitting for children too young for the program |
7:30-8:45 | Presentation by Amelia Kegan |
8:45-9:15 | Registration Desk Open |
9:00 | New Attenders Meeting (Reg. desk) |
9:00-9:45 | Snacks (dining room) |
Time | Event |
6:30-7:00 am | Early Meeting for Worship (outside, eastside of mtghse) |
6:45-7:45 | Breakfast (volunteers eat 30 min. early) |
7:30 | New Attenders Meeting on Saturday (Reg. desk) |
7:45-8:45 | Childcare & Babysitting in Play Area |
8:00-9:00 | Meeting for Worship (Memorials are read on Sat.) |
8:45-noon | Children’s Morning Program (parents should check-in children at the check-in table) Babysitting for children too young for children’s program |
9:00-noon | Meeting for Business |
12:00-1:00 pm | Lunch (volunteers eat 30 min. early) |
12:30-1:30 | Registration Desk Open |
1:15-4:00 | Recreation Activities for children; Babysitting & Childcare in the Play Area Thur 2:30-4:30: swimming Fri & Sat 1:15-2:15: Craft tent open Fri & Sat 2:30-3:45: All-ages Workshops Sat: Babysitting and Childcare until 4:30 pm |
1:30-2:15 | Worship Sharing groups |
2:30-3:45 | Workshops (All-Ages Workshops on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday) |
Time | Event |
3:45-6:00 pm | Free time/committee meetings |
4:15-5:45 | Registration Desk open |
5:30-6:00 | Singing on the front porch |
6:00-7:00 | Dinner (volunteers eat 30 min. early) |
7:15-9:00 | Children’s Program: Children will join the adult presentation. Babysitting for children too young for children’s program |
7:30-8:45 | Program with Aaron Fowler & Laura Dungan |
8:45-9:15 | Registration Desk Open |
9:00-9:45 | Snacks |
Time | Event |
3:45 - 6:00 pm | Free time/committee meetings |
4:15 - 5:45 | Registration Desk open |
5:30 - 6:00 | Singing on front porch |
6:00 - 7:00 | Dinner (volunteers eat 30 min. early) |
6:30 - 7:30 | Registration Desk open |
7:30-10:00 | Dancing on front lawn, no childcare or babysitting |
8:45 - 9:15 | Registration Desk open |
9:00 - 9:45 | Snack served outside during dancing |
Time | Event |
3:45 pm | Help Think about Next Year's Annual Sessions (Babysitting & Childcare until 4:30 pm) |
4:30-5:30 | Variety Show |
4:30-5:45 | Registration Desk open |
5:30-6:00 | Singing on front porch |
6:00-7:00 | Dinner (volunteers eat 30 min. early) |
6:45-8:00 | Campfire and S'mores for 5th grade and lower (south fire ring) |
7:15-9:00 | Campfire for Middle and High Schoolers at the north campfire area Babysitting for children too young for campfire. |
7:30-8:45 | Presentation by Eileen Flanagan |
8:45-9:15 | Registration desk open |
9:00-9:45 | Snacks (dining room) |
Time | Event |
6:30-7:30 am | Early Meeting for Worship (outside, eastside of mtghse) |
7:30-8:30 | Breakfast (volunteers eat 30 min. early) |
8:15-8:45 | Registration Desk open |
8:45-9:45 | Reading of Epistles (children gather in front of the meetinghouse at 8:50) |
8:45-12:10 | Babysitting for children too young for other programs |
10:00-12:15 | Middle Schoolers will attend Plummer Lecture and Meeting for Worship 5th grade and lower will have their own program and will join others in worship at 12:05 |
10:00-11:00 | Plummer Lecture by Gwen Weaver (Middle Schoolers will attend) |
11:15-12:15 pm | Meeting for Worship (Middle Schoolers will attend) |
12:30-1:30 | Lunch (volunteers eat 30 min. early) |
1:30 | Cleanup and Farewells |
Groups for worship sharing will gather 1:30-2:15 p.m. on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Queries that will be used during those groups will be posted when they become available. Signing up for a worship group can be done at the check-in/registration area.
For A Time Like This!, Laura Dungan. Creativity is the fountain that springs from Center into a fearful world. Come and touch your own Center and creative inspiration in these times of fear. There will be stories of creative courage and resiliency from Kansas that shares Hope from The Seed House - Casa de la Semilla. Please bring a journal. All ages. (Thursday, Friday & Saturday, repeats).
Afternoon Bicycling in a Park, David Wixom, Kevin Suess, Noel and Sarah Pavlovic. Come bike with nature, renew your soul and see what changes are happening, along the historic section of Illinois Hennepin Canal State Park on an off-road gravel trail. Everyone is welcome who is nine or older. Please bring a bike in good working order, a helmet, and drinking water. This workshop is under the care of ILYM Environmental Concerns Committee with the guidance of David Wixom, Kevin Suess, Noel and Sarah Povloic. If rain threatens, the ride will be occur on Friday. Gather on the meetinghouse driveway by tents 4 and 5 for driving to the park. At the park the ride will start and finish in the same place. Ages 9 and over. (Thursday, raindate Friday)
Does How We Manage Our Money Matter? (Part 1), Lyle Miller. Stewardship Consultant Lyle Miller will offer an introduction to Everence, a financial services and stewardship agency in the Anabaptist/Mennonite tradition that partners with Friends General Conference and others in the broader Friends community. He will provide an introduction to Everence and the way it supports local meetings and individuals seeking to integrate their faith and their finances in holistic ways. (Thursday, independent of Friday offering)
From Uncertainty to Becoming a Quaker: Following a Leading to Pacifism, Chris Jocius. Chris will discuss the process he went through during the time of the Vietnam War, from application to draft board hearing and the appeal to the state selective service board to the search for meaningful alternative service. He applied for an exchange program and taught at the life science university in Warsaw Poland for 2 years. Years later he uncovered his family’s role in the founding of the McNabb meeting. All ages. (Thursday and Friday, repeats)
Kenya’s Quakers: Best of Friends, David Shiner. There are more Quakers in Kenya than in any other country in the world. How did that come to be? What do those Friends believe? How do they worship? Is there common ground between them and liberal unprogrammed Friends? Participants will listen to a BBC podcast featuring a woman who went to Kenya to find the answers to these questions, then follow it with a discussion. (Friday)
Does How We Manage Our Money Matter? (Part 2), Ben Gooding. Do the ways individuals invest, make gifts, or structure their estate matter? Everence Financial Advisor Ben Gooding presents on socially responsible investing, the many kinds of charitable giving tools, and estate planning for young people and retirees. (Friday, independent of Thursday offering)
Faith Overcomes Fear for Bolivian Quakers, Vanessa Maldonado & Barbara Stanford. The workshop leaders will share pictures and songs which show fears in Bolivia and faith responses ranging from personal fears about health, education, and survival issues to national environmental and political dangers. Participants will be invited to share their own similar experiences through words or drawing. Vanessa will share her own story of challenges in getting an education in Bolivia and how her church and Bolivian Quaker Education Fund helped her overcome them. All-ages. (Saturday)
Aspects of Eldering and Oversight: Nurturing Ministry and Dealing with Conflict, Bradley Laird. Monthly meetings have a variety of ways that they structure the contexts within which nurturing ministry and dealing with conflict occurs. We will look at that range, consider what seems to work well and what problems we have. Conflicts tend to highlight areas where meetings are nudged to grow. We will see what participants bring as concerns, focus on a couple exemplary concerns, have break out groups (if the attendance numbers warrant it) to wrestle with situations, and work to develop a suggestion for each participant’s meeting. All ages. (Saturday)
Holding Our Families in the Light: The Results of Last Year's Interviews, Windy Cooler. Last year Windy was hosted by ILYM and seven other yearly meetings as she traveled across the country interviewing Friends about the health of our families in monthly and yearly meetings. The research and ministry were supervised by Earlham School of Religion and embraced by her yearly meeting, BYM. The results of these conversations are fruitful and of interest to Friends. In this workshop we will engage in understanding and responding to the research and creating more detail from which our meetings can act. This is appropriate for mature teenagers and adults. Some of the more tender matters discussed may not be appropriate for children. (Saturday)
Children's Sessions
Annual Sessions is a gathering of Friends that is supportive of families with children. Children’s Sessions provide the opportunity for children to experience various aspects of Quaker faith and life. There is no registration fee for children and youth age 18 and under. A Children's Sessions registration form should be filled out for each child.Wee Friends through Middle School
Morning Program: Small age-appropriate groups with two teachers, designed to be meaningful while giving children a chance to connect with other Friends of their age. During this time parents can attend Meeting for Business.Afternoon Activities: A variety of activities on different days include a craft tent, swimming, recreation on the lawn, and all-ages workshops. During this time parents can participate in workshops and worship sharing.
Evening Programs: Programs include hayrack ride and games, and campfires with s’mores and songs. During this time parents can attend the evening plenary programs. Thursday an all ages musical program. Friday evening is all-ages folk dancing on the lawn.
Sunday Morning Programming
Middle Schoolers will be attending the Plummer Lecture and Sunday Meeting for Worship. 5th grade and under will be supervised by the babysitters and then will be joining everyone else towards the end of worship.Babysitting & Childcare
Babysitting & Childcare will be available for children too young to attend Children’s Sessions programs. Additionally, babysitting and supervised play area time will be available during morning Meeting for Worship (8:00-9:00 am) and worship sharing and workshop time (1:15-4:00 pm). Please consult the schedule at the registration table for a full listing of times.High School Program
The Youth Oversight Committee and High School Friends (entering grade 9 through 2016 high school graduates) plan the program. Consult the Youth Coordinator for program specifics.Adult Young Friends
The Adult Young Friends of ILYM are a group of 18 to 35-year-old Friends led to maintain a sense of community. While a subgroup of adult Friends, AYFs participate as active adult members of ILYM. They welcome new members with open arms.Annual Sessions is primarily planned and managed by volunteers, so we ask everyone to pitch in. All Friends over age 10 are asked to sign up for at least two volunteer jobs during Annual Sessions, which might include helping during a meal, cleaning a bathroom, or helping with childcare or the children’s programs. Volunteer sign-up sheets are located near the check-in/registration table.
Please do not bring pets. Do not smoke in the buildings or on the grounds (including campground). Keep noisy activities away from Friends who need quiet. Respect the surrounding farm crops and property.
The meetinghouse address is: 14365 N. 350th Ave., McNabb, IL 61335.- From Champaign-Urbana: Take I-74 west to Bloomington-Normal, then I-39 north to Rt. 18 west. Near Magnolia, take Rt. 89 north. After Edgewood Park Golf Club on the left, turn right at the “Friends Meetinghouse” sign (Co. Rd. 350N). After about ½ mile, the meetinghouse is the large white building on your right.
- From St. Louis: Take I-55 north to Bloomington/Normal, then I-39 north. From here, same as from Champaign-Urbana.
- From Chicago: Take I-80 west past Ottawa, then I-39 south to Rt. 71 west, then Rt. 89 south. Go past McNabb about one and a half miles, and look for the “Friends Meetinghouse” sign at the first cross-street (Co. Rd. 350N) and turn left. After about ½ mile, the meetinghouse is the large white building on your right.
- By Amtrak: Transportation between the Princeton, IL, station and the ILYM campus can be arranged via the registration form.
There is parking for campers on the north side of the road at the front of the camping area. Vehicles should not be driven into the camping area. There is parking on the south side of the road for non-campers between the meetinghouse and Clear Creek House. This includes a marked parking area for Friends with disabilities.PHONE:
The meetinghouse & Clear Creek House number is 815-882-2214. Outgoing calls must be calling card or collect only.EMERGENCIES:
Dial 911 for emergencies. St. Margaret’s Hospital is in Spring Valley: emergency number is 815-664-1464. Spring Valley is north on Rt. 89. There are several medical clinics in the area. Information will be available in handouts at the registration desk.ACCESSIBILITY:
The meetinghouse has a ramped entrance and wheelchair accessible restrooms. The shower house in the camping area is also accessible, but you must go through a grassy area to get to it. The dining room is in the basement and is not wheelchair accessible, but meals can be served in the dining tent. First floor of Clear Creek House is wheelchair accessible.FEES:
The fee structure is a simple per day (24-hour period, afternoon to afternoon) per adult fee that reflects the actual cost of running Annuals Sessions. We do not charge for children 18 and under. The fee is $50.00 per day per adult for a total of 4 possible days. There are no half days.FEE REDUCTIONS:
No one should hesitate to attend ILYM for financial reasons. Most monthly meetings have funding for financial assistance for individuals and families to attend Annual Sessions. Should you need financial assistance to attend, first please request assistance from your monthly meeting. Should you still need additional assistance, in the registration comments area indicate that you have asked your monthly meeting, the amount that your monthly meeting will be assisting you, and the amount you additionally need to attend.WHAT TO BRING:
Musical instruments, recreational equipment, clothes for active wear, bathing suit (for those going swimming), towel, sun-screen, mosquito repellent, flash light, rain gear, and linens (if staying in cabins or Clear Creek House). Showers are available for bathing. Coin-op laundry is available in Spring Valley.VARIETY SHOW
The variety show is on Saturday afternoon. This is a supportive group that is easily entertained.NEW ATTENDERS MEETINGS:
New attenders meetings help orient Friends new to ILYM Annual Sessions and take place on Wednesday at the end of the evening program and on Saturday at breakfast time. Please gather at the registration table. If you need help or information at any other time, the registration table will be glad to assist.TECHNOLOGY:
There are no duplicating facilities. Please bring what you will need. There is wireless internet available. The password will be displayed near the registration table.TIPS FOR FAMILIES WITH YOUNG CHILDREN:
You can bring your smaller children to the dining room 5 minutes before scheduled mealtimes to eat or you may go to the head of the line. It is hard for small children to wait in line when they are hungry. We suggest that you bring drinks and non-perishable snacks for times your children may be hungry or thirsty and perhaps breakfast food if your children find it hard to get up in time for breakfast in the dining room.REDUCE DIRTY DISHES:
Bring your own coffee cup or drink bottle.Site Prep takes place on the days before the beginning of Annual Sessions. All ILYM Friends are cordially invited to help get the campus ready before the main event begins. Meals and housing during Site Prep are free, so come and enjoy good comradeship while building up your sweat equity. Site Prep will begins Saturday June 15 and concludes after lunch on Wednesday, June 19 (you can arrive in the evening of Friday, June 14). If you plan to attend, please contact Pam Kuhn. Tell Pam your expected days of attendance, your housing plans (tent, cabin, hotel, or Clear Creek House), and any dietary restrictions.
Site Clean-up: On Sunday, June 23, after the conclusion of the sessions, please plan to stay an hour or two after lunch and help with clean up.
There is a campground on the north side of the road that has a showerhouse. There is additional "primitive" camping south of Clear Creek House. The primitive camping area has one port-a-potty and campers will need to use the showerhouse in the other campground for all other needs. Children should not camp in the primitive camping area because of safety hazards in area outbuildings. If you want to camp and need electricity, please let the registrar know. Cords should not be run from buildings to tents.Cabins:
There are 6 cabins with room for 8 people each in bunkbeds. Cabins have no electricity. They may be filled to capacity depending on demand. Individuals with specific needs (e.g., mobility issues, small children, cannot camp, other special reasons) will be given preference for cabins. If you have a special reason for needing a cabin, include it on the registration form. Linens, blankets, and pillows should be brought.Clear Creek House:
There are 6 rooms in the Clear Creek House for up to 15 people. Rooms may be shared. Individuals with specific needs (e.g., health and mobility issues) will be given preference. If you have a special reason for needing to stay in Clear Creek House, include it on the registration form. Linens should be brought.High School Bunkhouse:
There is also a large bunkhouse which can hold up to 40 high school Friends and chaperones.Motels:
Off-Site Housing Information as of March 15. You may be able to find better rates and additional places. Rates listed are for 2 persons for one night. Prices are subject to change and do not include tax. Some people have success calling them when a web booking indicated they are fully booked.City | Name | Address | Phone | Rate |
LaSalle | Daniel's Motel | 1921 St. Vincent's Ave | 815-233-3829 | $62 |
Oglesby | Days Inn | 120 N. Lewis Ave. | 815-883-9600 | $120 |
Oglesby | Best Western | 900 Holiday Ave. | 815-833-3535 | $120 |
Peru | Super 8 | 1851 May Rd. | 815-223-1848 | $54 |
Peru | Fairfield Inn | 4385 Venture Dr. | 815-233-7458 | $146 |
Peru | La Quinta | 4389 Venture Dr. | 815-244-9000 | $116 |
Wenona | America's Best Value | 5 Cavalry Dr. | 815-853-4371 | $52 |
Stay informed about what is happening in ILYM.
To get updates and further details on Annual Sessions programming Subscribe to the twice-a-month e-newsletter. Use the contact form to request to be added on to the distribution list. Please include your name and meeting along with your e-mail address.Download Adult Registration Form to print out
Download Children's Sessions Registration Form to print out