Anti-Racism Café

May 15 @ 7 PM Central / 8 PM Eastern

This month we’ll host a guest from Jewish Voice for Peace to gain their perspective on Israeli apartheid, how they support human rights and equality for Palestinians and all people, and their response to concerns about antisemitism that have been raised in relation to the Apartheid Free Communities initiative from AFSC. Multiple Monthly Meetings in ILYM are considering joining this network of primarily faith-based organizations making a public commitment to dismantle apartheid. Please familiarize yourself with the four statements required to join this initiative, and come prepared to listen, learn, and discern how we can live our testimonies as Friends in response to current events.

Are you interested in connecting with other Friends in Illinois Yearly Meeting on anti-racism work? Then join in at the Anti-Racism Café. Each month the ILYM Racial Equity and Education Committee will provide space both for Friends who want to share ideas for anti-racist activism, and for Friends who want to focus on the inward work of becoming anti-racist. This is an opportunity to learn about the experiences of Friends in other meetings, to share resources, and to come together in worship and fellowship to build a wider Quaker community.

The Anti-Racism Cafés will be held the 15th of every month from 7:00-8:30 p.m. (Central). You are welcome to come for all or part of the session—stop in any time and stay as long as you want

  • Anti-Racism Cafe Zoom link; Meeting ID: 827 0319 9934, Passcode: 161204.
  • You can also call in for a voice-only connection using the same Meeting ID/Passcode: 312-626-6799 (Chicago).