2024 Sessions Videos

Following are videos from the Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday night presentations and the Plummer Lecture.

Joann Neuroth of Red Cedar’s Monthly Meeting (Lansing, Michigan) presenting “Growing the Seed Entrusted to You” at the 2024 ILYM Annual Sessions on June 19, 2024

Representatives from Regional Quaker Schools (Scattergood, Olney, and Chicago Friends) discussing Quaker education at the 2024 ILYM Annual Sessions on June 20, 2024

Steve Chase of Friends Meeting of Washington (D.C.) presenting “Seeking Justice in the Holy Land: Quakers, Zionism, and Palestinian Rights” at the 2024 ILYM Annual Sessions on June 22, 2024

Grayce Haworth Mesner of Clear Creek Meeting (McNabb, IL) presenting the 2024 Plummer Lecture, “Do Unto Others” at the 2024 ILYM Annual Sessions on June 23, 2024