Spring BRQ Gathering

Date(s) - 04/11/2025 - 04/13/2025
All Day

The spring Blue River Quarterly gathering will meet April 11-13 at Camp CILCA (cilca.org) near Springfield, Illinois. All Friends are invited to attend. ILYM teens (8th-12th grade) will also be attending the weekend, so spread the word in your meetings about this opportunity for your teens to see other Friends their age. Link to download registration brochure with additional information.

The program will be “How do we seek to support social responsibility in trying times?” presented by Mike and Jasmine Dennis. Diane Dennis will lead the children’s program assisted by Choz Howard-McKinney, the new ILYM Children’s RE Coordinator.

While BRQ does not charge for Friends under nineteen, the camp does so please consider if you are able to donate additional funds to help cover their expenses.