Campus Work Day

Date(s) - 05/07/2022
9:30 am - 5:00 pm

ILYM Campus

It has been three years since we really made use of our campus and it is showing the need for more work than usual. The deadfall from trees has been accumulating, especially in the Campground area, along with thick grasses, etc. growing around the buildings that need to be cut down and tamed.  Raccoons have been partying in the High School Bunkhouse and it really needs some folks to team up to get it cleaned up and to patch the siding where they are getting in. The meetinghouse kitchen and dining room are not as bad, but looks dingy with abandonment. The ramps at both meetinghouse and bunkhouse and several steps and landings at the bunkhouse have deck boards that are broken and in need of replacement. Several screen doors are in need of re-screening. So there is a lot to do to try to begin to get things ready for Annual Sessions. And we will need all hands on deck to do it.

Please come on Saturday, May 7 to help. If you cannot come on Saturday, consider putting together a team from your meeting and coming another day to work on a project to try to get the place back in shape.

Bring the tools you think you will need to help accomplish the tasks we have: Saws, Heavy duty weed whackers, trimmers, shears, scythes, nail guns, buckets and sponges and brushes, and gloves, etc.

If we cannot get the work done ourselves we will need to hire help to get it done and that can get expensive and necessitates more money being contributed and increases in fees.

Lunch will be potluck. Bring something to share and something for yourself to drink. And bring a friend! It will be fun and good to see everyone.

Please use the contact form (select contact ILYM) to let us know if you plan to be there on Saturday and what you can do and tools you will bring to help.

Work days are coordinated by the Maintenance, Planning and Envisioning Committee