Finding the ILYM Meetinghouse
The meetinghouse is located in the peaceful, fertile midst of corn and soybean fields near McNabb, which is 110 miles southwest of Chicago, 220 miles north-northeast of Saint Louis, Missouri, 60 miles north of Bloomington-Normal, and 90 miles south of Rockford.
McNabb is about fifteen miles southwest of the intersection of I-39 and I-80.
From the South
orthbound on I-39, take exit 41 left/west on Rt. 18 toward Henry. After Magnolia, turn right/north on Rt. 89 and continue as below.
From the North
Look for the Signpost

The meetinghouse lane is signposted on Rt. 89, about one mile south of McNabb and two miles north of Magnolia. Turn east on the lane and go
911 Address
The 911 address assignment is 14365 N. 350 Ave., McNabb, IL, 61335 (phone 815-882-2214) — but this may not work in some GPS systems or mapping websites. The street may be listed in those systems as “N. 350th Ave” or “County Road 350 N.” For postal mail please contact us through the contact form for appropriate addresses.
About the ILYM Campus
The yearly meeting’s 12-acre campus includes a variety of environments and buildings and has three distinct parts. The south campus near the center of the property is home to the historic Illinois Yearly Meetinghouse built in 1875, the largest and most prominent building on the grounds (the star marks the driveway to the meetinghouse). It includes a large lawn that often serves as a gathering and play-space in front of the open meetinghouse porch, and is framed by groves of trees to each side. The north campus, across the road from the
The historic meetinghouse is wheelchair accessible, with an accessible restroom. Some of the other buildings at the site are not.