Illinois Yearly Meeting Epistle

Written and Presented by Ted Kuhn, Lake Forest Friends Meeting, at the ILYM Variety Show, 2018

Illinois Yearly Meeting Epistle – In the style of Dr. Seuss

To Friends near,
To Friends far,
To Friends here,
to Friends there,
To Friends everywhere.

I am Sam.
Sam I am.
We are here
In county Putnam.

We really like the meetinghouse.
We don”t mind an occasional mouse.
We like being out on the plains.
We don”t really mind if it rains
…that much.

When we look out every morn
There are fields and fields and fields of corn.
The grounds have really come alive
Every year since 1875.

We know the history of George Fox.
He had leather britches and probably no socks.
On his head were shaggy locks.
If you want to know more, then you should ask John Knox.

On Sunday is the Plummer Lecture,
That”s a fact, it”s no conjecture,
We hear about all that”s fair
In the spiritual journey of a Friend with gray hair.

We gather for the business meeting,
Much to do, time is fleeting,
We read reports to hear the fine bits,
We discern for three hours then approve the minutes.

One committee, two committees,
Ad hoc committees, standing committees,
This one likes an electric car.
This one teaches children to really star.
My! What a lot of committees there are.

We”re working on our Faith and Practice.
Now listen to the committee”s dear wish
That soon the printing presses run
And the committee will be finally done.

On Wednesday, the expenses shall
Be reported by Treasurer Val,
Pay attention if perchance,
The report puts the fun in “fun-ance”

Environmental Concerns, if you please,
They will speak for the trees
Specifically, for the Osage Orange
Oh no! Nothing rhymes with orange.

The children gather together each day,
And find all different things to play
Though it might be out on a limb
I think they like to go for a swim.

Join worship sharing or a workshop
Or see the area on a bicycle hop
And listen please with some pity
If you are called by the Nominating Committee.

We sense strongly the Holy Spirit,
We welcome this; we don”t fear it
In the heat we have perspired
But all in all, we are inspired.

So, if this gathering gave much joy
Remember this, it”s no ploy
On June 19-23 of next year
ILYM will again be here!

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