Friends Journal
Friends Journal is published by Friends Publishing Corporation. Our mission is to communicate Quaker experience in order to connect and deepen spiritual lives. was registered in 1995, in the early days of the Internet, by Russ Nelson, who built it into a popular site for the world to learn about the Religious Society of Friends. He also generously offered domain names and web hosting to countless Quaker organizations.
QuakerBooks of FGC
QuakerBooks of FGC is a ministry of Friends General Conference that serves Quakers, Quaker meetings, and interested individuals who are spiritually inquisitive. As the first part of our name implies we carry books, pamphlets, ebooks, curriculum, and the like that help Friends and others live our lives as expressions of our faith, serve our values, and learn about the Quaker way past and present.
Your online source for information about the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).
QuakerQuaker is a community of Friends exploring Primitive Christianity Revived: plain witness, ministry, beliefs. Quaker blogs, photos, videos & gatherings.
Quakers Uniting in Publications (QUIP)
Quakers Uniting in Publications, begun informally in 1983 by a small group of Quaker publishers and booksellers, is now an international network of over 50 Friends organizations and individuals concerned with the ministry of the written word.
Quaker Web Ring
The Quaker WebRing links together sites with a Quaker (as in the Religious Society of Friends) interest.
Wider Quaker Fellowship publications
This collection reflects some of the cultural and religious diversity among Friends.
Wikipedia entry for Quakers
From Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia.