Racial Equity and Education Committee

Watch the recording of our May Anti-Racism Cafe with Marty Levine of Jewish Voice for Peace. Marty shared his firsthand witness of Israeli apartheid, how JVP supports human rights and equality for Palestinians and all people, and his response to concerns about antisemitism that have been raised in relation to the Apartheid Free Communities initiative from AFSC. Multiple Monthly Meetings in ILYM are considering joining this network of primarily faith-based organizations making a public commitment to dismantle apartheid.


Every Friday @ 11 AM CST

6/10/24 – 7 PM Central

6/15/24 – 7 PM Central

Has your Meeting joined the Apartheid Free Communities network?

Read the four statements of committment and find resources to better understand Israeli apartheid and how we can respond.

Email Congress – Ceasefire Now!

Click here to email your Senators and Representative through the Friends Committee on National Legislation website.

Read below from FCNL:

Further military action will not bring peace. That is why we are calling for an immediate ceasefire and humanitarian access, and action to address the underlying injustice of occupation and inequalities underlying this situation in the long term.”

Friends Committee on National Legislation 10/17/23 statement

Call Congress – Ceasefire Now!

Click here to enter your address and phone number to then receive a phone call that will connect you to the office of your Representative and both Senators. The page includes a sample script for ideas of what to say.

Indigenous Boarding Schools

As follow-up to our workshop with Paula Palmer on Quaker involvement in Indigenous Boarding Schools, our committee asks Monthly Meetings to consider becoming “Affiliate Members” of the National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition.

Additionally, we encourage individuals and Monthly Meetings to write or call their elected representatives asking them to support the establishment of the “Truth and Healing Commission on Indian Boarding School Policies Act.”

This request comes directly from Native communities, and FCNL is amplifying it through their action page that will allow you to personalize and send a message to your Senators and Congressional Representative through the FCNL website.

Click here to take action!