The Forgiveness Project: “The Line Dividing Good and Evil”

The Forgiveness Project is a UK based charity that uses storytelling to explore how ideas around forgiveness, reconciliation and conflict resolution can be used to impact positively on people’s lives, through the personal testimonies of both victims and perpetrators of crime and violence.

Dr. Gwen Adshead, forensic psychotherapist at Broadmoor High Security Hospital, delivered the keynote speech at the Third Annual Lecture in front of a sell-out audience at the Royal Geographical Society in London.

Click here to view the address & explore The Forgiveness Project website.

Dr. Adshead was supported on stage by three contributors who shared some of their own personal narratives: Marian Partington whose sister was murdered by Fred and Rosemary West; Erwin James, the Guardian columnist who served 20 years of a life sentence in prison; and Kemal Pervanic, survivor of the notorious Omarska concentration camp in Bosnia. The address was given July 3, 2012.


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