Quaker Conversations Group

Quaker Conversations is a group South Bend Friends that meets online every Sunday at 9 am, before Meeting for Worship, to practice a contemplative form of dialogue based on the Quaker practice of “speaking out of silence.”  Group-selected texts stimulate deep exchange of ideas and beliefs. Among the books that have been studied in this manner are:

Gorman’s ‘The Amazing Fact of Quaker Worship’

Neil Douglas-Klotz’s ‘The Hidden Gospel: Decoding the Spiritual Message of the Aramaic Jesus’

Pema Chodron’s ‘The Places That Scare You: A Guide to Fearlessness i Difficult Times’ 

Beginning February 15, Quaker Conversations will center around three centuries of Quaker writings from ‘Philadelpha Faith and Practice’ and Parker Palmer’s ‘HEALING THE HEART OF DEMOCRACY: The Courage to Create a Politics Worthy of the Human Spirit’

Those interested in weekly commitment to this spiritual nurture and adult education group may inquire at southbendfriends@gmail.com


Quakerism 101 provides an introduction to Quakerism, focusing on the Quaker testimonies with a brief overview of meeting structure. This group gathers as new attenders express interest in learning more about Quakerism.