
Standing Committees

Continuing Committee

The work of the Yearly Meeting continues beyond annual sessions. The Continuing Committee meets in the spring and fall to further the decisions made at the summer gathering. All ILYM Friends are welcome to attend; representatives from committees and monthly meetings are expected.

Children’s Religious Education

Networks First Day School resources for monthly meetings.


Offers opportunities for supporting the vision for growth of Illinois Yearly Meeting.

Environmental Concerns

Friends involved in earth care witness, including studying sustainability for new buildings at the ILYM campus near McNabb. Further information and documents are on the Environmental Concerns Committee page.


Oversees yearly meeting income, expenses, savings and the budget; files legal forms pertaining to the financial structure of the ILYM organization; and serves as a planning resource for other ILYM committees.


Oversees the updating of our documented processes and procedures.

Maintenance, Planning & Envisioning

Oversees the health of the Yearly Meeting site. Further information and documents are on the Maintenance & Planning page.

Site Envisioning Master Site Plan (2012)

Page with files from the former Site Envisioning Committee: Site Envisioning page.

Ministry & Advancement

Nurtures the life of Illinois Yearly Meeting. Oversees the Harassment and Sexual Abuse Policy and the Harassment Review Committee. Oversees the Field Secretary.

  • ILYM Field Secretary: As a Friendly presence, the Field Secretary visits monthly meetings and worship groups, as much as possible giving higher priority to groups with immediate needs. During the visit, the Field Secretary may help a meeting assess its needs and identify its strengths. As a nurturing presence, the Field Secretary models good Quaker practice and demonstrates the Quaker process. The full job description is in the Handbook.

Further information and documents are on the Ministry & Advancement page.


Discerns gifts and leadings of Friends serving on yearly meeting committees.

Peace Resources

Assists with Friends’ discernment of their relationship to the Peace Testimony and develops peace, non-violence and conflict resolution resources for Friends and the wider public. Also a resource for Conscientious Objection, Military Counseling, and Counter-recruitment information. Further information is on the Peace Resources Committee page.


Committee formed starting 2009-2010 to help coordinate the oversight roles for Administrative Coordinator, Field Secretary & Youth Coordinator.

Publications and Technology

Oversees paper and electronic publication of Minute Books, Among Friends, Plummer Lectures, and other addresses; oversees the website. See the publications page for a full list. Oversees the use of technology at Annual Session.

Racial Equity and Education Committee

Coordinates programs to bring greater awareness and education on issues of racial injustice. Racial Equity and Education Committee page.

Minutes & Actions (PDF)

Youth Oversight

Coordinates the High School and some Junior High programs year round. Oversight for the Youth Coordinator. For further information see the Youth Oversight page.

Other Resources

Guidelines for a Safe Congregation Policy