Creating Unity Despite Separation
In what ways is it important to be connected—to other humans, humanity, creation, and Spirit?
What has it meant to endure disconnection—from family, neighbors, society, and the Earth—in an era of “virtual” relationships, a pandemic, and climate change?
What lessons of healing can we share?
Wednesday, June 15 through Sunday, June 19, 2022 at ILYM Campus, McNabb, IL
COVID Protocol
ILYM Annual Sessions will be operating under COVID-19 Community Level: High.
- Masks should be worn indoors
- You may choose to wear a mask outdoors
- Be up-to-date with your COVID-19 vaccines
- Get tested if you have symptoms
- Symptoms include: fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, hew loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea.
- If you are feeling sick please stay home and attend virtually (let us know and we will send yo the links)
- A list of area clinics and free testing sites will be available.
ILYM uses a pay as led approach to cover the costs of sessions.
A per day adult fee of $50.00 reflects a representative amount if received by each adult attender that would be needed to cover the cost of Annual Sessions. There is an alternative representative fee of $15 per day adult fee for virtual-only attendees. ILYM does not assess a fee for children and high school attenders. Considered costs include expenses for meals, on-site housing, programs, and infrastructure for on-site and virtual components.
Link to on-line registration
Clear Creek House and cabins are full. There is plenty of space to camp.
Registration for virtual sessions closes June 12. You will be able to register for in-person attendance at the registration desk or through the on-line form throughout sessions.
Link to download PDF registration form
Link to download additional Medical Release and Children’s Sessions forms
Download Advance Documents
ILYM Sessions Quick Find App
Download the app to have multiple resources quickly accessible: documents, schedule, forms, weather forecast, area maps, etc. Included in the app is an on-line check-in and on-line medical release forms.
Take a few minutes to enjoy the sessions kaleidoscope. Additional ones at ilym.org/sessions-kaleidoscopes
2022 Annual Sessions Program Details
On Wednesday evening Gretchen Castle will be speaking on “Room at the Table; Hospitality and Inclusion as a Global Imperative.” Most of Gretchen’s career had been in serving Quaker organizations, including General Secretary of FWCC. Gretchen holds MEd in Adult Organizational Learning (Organization Development) from Temple University and is currently serving as Dean of Earlham School of Religion.
On Thursday evening, Bobby Trice will be presenting. Bobby is the Quaker Outreach Coordinator for FCNL. In this role, Bobby cultivates relationships with Friends and coordinates FCNL staff and volunteer engagement with Quaker communities across the country. Bobby is also deeply invested in communicating across political divides, practicing seeing that of God in people he disagrees with, and building relationships to make change within and beyond Congress. Bobby is a member of Friends Meeting of Washington (Baltimore Yearly Meeting) in Washington, DC.
On Friday evening will be the traditional dancing on the front lawn.
On Saturday evening, Karen Tibbals will be speaking on “Love your enemies, pray for those who persecute you.” Karen has been writing and speaking on the topic of how we learn to talk to each other in more productive ways and better see that of God with in those we do not agree with. Karen’s latest book is Persuade, Don't Preach: Restoring Civility Across the Political Divide. Karen also writes a newsletter called “Mending Fractured Relationships.” Karen Tibbals holds a degree in Quaker History from Earlham School of Religion.
On Sunday, Frank Young will be presenting the Plummer Lecture. Frank has been a convinced Friend for nearly 70 years and holds membership with Spoon River Meeting and for the past 20 years has had a close association with Big Island Friends Meeting in Hawaii. Frank has served ILYM as Presiding Clerk, Finance Committee Clerk, Development Committee Clerk, and Representative to both FGC and AFSC. Frank’s professional life was as a college professor, initially teaching mathematics and then computer science and software engineering.
Adult Children
All V (Virtual Option)
Time | Event |
12:30-1:45 pm | Registration Desk Open |
2:00-3:30 | Opening Session: Worship & Business Meeting (V) |
3:30-6:00 | Free time/committee meetings & socializing |
3:45-6:00 | Registration Table Open |
5:30-6:00 | Singing on front porch |
6:00-7:00 | Dinner (volunteers eat 30 min. early) |
6:30-7:30 | Registration Desk Open |
7:15-9:00 | Art, Crafts & Games
for children; Babysitting for children too young for the program |
7:30-8:45 | “Room at the Table; Hospitality and Inclusion as a Global Imperative” by Gretchen Castle (V) |
8:45-9:15 | Registration Table Open |
9:00 | New Attenders Meeting (Reg. table) |
9:00-9:45 | Snacks (dining room) |
Time | Event |
6:45-7:45 | Breakfast (volunteers eat 30 min. early) |
7:30 | New Attenders Meeting on Saturday (Reg. table) |
8:00-9:00 | Meeting for Worship (Memorials are read on Sat.) (V) |
8:45-noon | Children’s Morning
Program (parents should check-in children at the check-in table) Babysitting for children too young for children’s program |
9:00-noon | Meeting for Business (V) |
12:00-1:00 pm | Lunch (volunteers eat 30 min. early) |
12:30-1:30 | Registration Table Open |
1:15-4:00 | Art & Crafts for
children; Babysitting & Childcare in the Play Area Sat: Babysitting and Childcare until 4:15 pm |
1:30-2:15 | Worship Sharing groups |
2:30-3:45 | Workshops (All-Ages Workshops on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday) |
Time | Event |
3:45-6:00 pm | Free time/committee meetings & socializing |
4:15-5:45 | Registration Table open |
5:30-6:00 | Singing on the front porch |
6:00-7:00 | Dinner (volunteers eat 30 min. early) |
7:15-9:00 | Children’s Program Babysitting for children too young for children’s program |
7:30-8:45 | Presentation by Bobby Trice (V) |
8:45-9:15 | Registration Table Open |
9:00-9:45 | Snacks |
Time | Event |
3:45 - 6:00 pm | Free time/committee meetings & socializing |
4:15 - 5:45 | Registration Table open |
5:30 - 6:00 | Singing on front porch |
6:00 - 7:00 | Dinner (volunteers eat 30 min. early) |
6:30 - 7:30 | Registration Table open |
7:30-10:00 | Dancing on front lawn, no childcare or babysitting |
8:45 - 9:15 | Registration Table open |
9:00 - 9:45 | Snack served outside during dancing |
Time | Event |
3:45 pm | Help Think about Next Year's Annual Sessions (Babysitting & Childcare until 4:15 pm) |
4:30-5:30 | Variety Show (V) &
Art Exhibit |
4:30-5:45 | Registration Table open |
5:30-6:00 | Singing on front porch |
6:00-7:00 | Dinner (volunteers eat 30 min. early) |
6:45-8:00 | Campfire and S'mores for 5th grade and lower (south fire ring) |
7:15-9:00 | Campfire for Middle and
High Schoolers at the north campfire area Babysitting for children too young for campfire. |
7:30-8:45 | “Love your enemies, pray for those who persecute you” by Karen Tibbals (V) |
8:45-9:15 | Registration Table open |
9:00-9:45 | Snacks (dining room) |
Time | Event |
7:30-8:30 | Breakfast (volunteers eat 30 min. early) |
8:15-8:45 | Registration Table open |
8:45-9:45 | Reading of Epistles (children gather in front of the meetinghouse at 8:50) (V) |
8:45-12:30 | Babysitting for children too young for other programs |
10:00-12:15 | Middle Schoolers will
attend Plummer Lecture and Meeting for Worship 5th grade and lower will have childcare |
10:00-11:00 | Plummer Lecture by Frank Young (Middle Schoolers will attend) (V) |
11:15-12:15 pm | Meeting for Worship (Middle Schoolers will attend) (V) |
12:30-1:30 | Lunch (volunteers eat 30 min. early) |
1:30 | Cleanup and Farewells |
Groups for worship sharing will gather 1:30-2:15 p.m. on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.
Queries that will be used during those groups will be posted in early June.
There will be programs and activities for children during the worship sharing time.
Signing up for a worship sharing group can be done in the check-in/registration area.
Following is a current list workshops. The full list will be available in the check-in/registration area.
Sign up to attend workshops in the check-in/registration area.
Some workshops are designated as intergenerational. There will be programs and activities for children during the workshop time.
The Power of Enough—Kinship
with all Life, Jacqueline Stillwell (Right Sharing of
World Resources). How are my relationships and my use of time,
energy, and "things" in right balance to contribute to right order in
our world, and to free me to do God's work? What is essential? How much
is enough? Through personal reflection, discussion, play, and worship
sharing, participants will explore queries to discover our power of
enough. Right Sharing of World Resources is a Quaker organization about
right sharing and right relationship.Thursday, Friday, Saturday;
participation in days 2-3 requires participation in day 1
Wetland Restoration Field Trip to Dixon Wildlife Refuge, Nancy Halliday, Environmental Concerns Committee. A field trip to the Hennepin Hooper Lakes of the Dixon Wildlife Refuge managed by the Wetland Initiative to learn about wetland restoration from the steward, Rick Seibert. The refuge is 8 miles west of McNabb. Gather under the Font Trees. The group will be leaving promptly at 2:30 p.m. Thursday
Connecting and Communicating with Congress on Common Ground, Bobby Trice and Justin Hurdle (Friends Committee on National Legislation). This workshop will demonstrate the outsized impact Friends voices can have in building relationships with elected officials, influencing members of Congress, and changing public policy. Participants will become familiar with FCNL's suite of online advocacy tools and learn how to find common ground and areas of disagreement to cultivate constructive conversations when communicating with Congress. The workshop will close with success stories of faithful Quaker advocates, Q&A, and discussion. FridayIn-person? Hybrid? Zoom-only? Going back to normal? Going forward
to something else? How are we being led as a monthly meeting community?
Pam Kuhn, Lake Forest. The pandemic forced changes on our monthly
meetings that we could not have predicted just a few years ago. Now is
a good time to take a look at who we have become and how we are being
led for the future. This workshop will provide an opportunity to share
with each other what our monthly meeting is facing right now. Together
we may make resources known and hold each other in Light as we
strengthen our meetings for the future. I plan to provide some queries
that I hope will help with the discernment process. Friday
How to Talk About Issues That Matter, Sharon Goens (American
Friends Service Committee). How to talk about the issues that matter:
Finding ways to communicate with each other has never been more
important. But it can be especially difficult to talk about issues like
immigration, policing, incarceration, racism, and inequality in our
increasingly divided world. Research can show us which shared values
can help us communicate effectively about the issues that matter. In
this workshop you will learn how to identify your audience and then
craft a compelling message based on the values that you share.
Intergenerational. Saturday
Communing with Nature in the Prairie Pollinator Garden, Noel
Pavlovic (ILYM Environmental Concerns Committee). Explore the
developing prairie pollinator garden being developed by the ILYM
Environmental Concerns Committee. Why have a pollinator garden? What
role do benches and paving stones play in its function? What ecological
principles have been used to select the plants that are being grown and
determine how they are arranged? How long will it take for the garden
to reach its full potential for pollinators and humans? Are there
additional features that you would like to see here? These are many of
the questions we will explore on our contemplative walk.
Intergenerational; Limit 15 participants. Saturday
Quakers and Class, an Introduction, Duneland Monthly Meeting, Elkhart River Worship Group, & Brad Laird (ILYM Field Secretary). The workshop will look at different definitions of social class, see how to apply one or more of them to monthly meetings in a way that elucidates strengths and weaknesses in the ability to be experienced as welcomed (whatever one's class) and welcoming. The intersectionality of social class with gender, race, ability, and other social categories will be acknowledge . Social class concerns can either divide people or allow people to celebrate equality through diversity. Saturday
Banner Making, Margaret Nelson (Evanston Monthly Meeting). Participants formulate banner slogans for easy-to-carry canvas blanks they can stand behind, and lay out and paint those slogans on their banners. Materials provided. Saturday (Ages 12-adult; Limit 12 participants)Annual Sessions is a gathering of Friends that is supportive of families with children. Children’s Sessions provide the opportunity for children to experience various aspects of Quaker faith and life. There is no registration fee for children and youth ages 18 and under. A separate Children's Sessions Registration Form should be filled out for each child.
Wee Friends through Middle School
Morning Program: Small age-appropriate groups with two teachers, developed to be meaningful while giving children an opportunity to connect with other Friends of their age. During this time parents can attend Meeting for Business.
Afternoon Program: A variety of activities on different days include a craft and art tent, swimming, recreation on the lawn, and all-ages workshops. During this time adults can participate in workshops and/or worship sharing.
Evening Programs: Programs include hay ride and games, and campfires with s’mores and songs. During this time parents can attend the evening plenary programs. Friday evening is all-ages folk dancing on the lawn.
Sunday Morning Program: All children participate in the Epistles Reading. Middle Schoolers attend the Plummer Lecture and Sunday Meeting for Worship. After the Epistles Reading, 5th grade and under will be supervised by the babysitters/childcare and join everyone for the last minutes of worship.
Babysitting and Childcare
Babysitting and Childcare will be available for children too young to attend Children’s Sessions programs. Additionally, babysitting and supervised play area time will be available during morning Meeting for Worship (8:00-9:00 am) and worship sharing and workshop time (1:15-4:00 pm). Please consult the schedule at the check-in/registration table for a full listing of times and programs.
Expectations for Young Friends & Families
In an effort to make Annual Sessions a joyful spiritual experience for all Friends, the following guidelines are intended to clarify expectations during our time together.
Parents/sponsors are responsible for supervision of their child/children during all times, except for Children’s Sessions. Parents/sponsors supervision includes meals, all-ages programs, and overnight. Families are encouraged to share in the care of their children—taking turns supervising children will allow the children to play and the adults to have their own time.
- The Children’s Sessions programs are planned assuming all registered young Friends will participate.
- Parents/sponsors should notify the Children’s Sessions staff if their child will not attend any of the sessions indicated on the submitted registration form.
- If children choose not to attend or participate in any of the Children’s Sessions programs, their parents/sponsors are responsible for them while the Children’s Sessions program is held.
- Parents/sponsors should accompany children to Children’s Sessions programs, sign them in, and return to sign them out when the program is over.
- Parents/sponsors are expected to be on the ILYM campus at all times their child/children are in a program unless specific arrangements are made.
- If any young Friend has special needs (allergies, dietary, physical, emotional, behavioral, etc.) that may require special attention, please advise the Children’s Sessions staff and teachers responsible for that age group.
- A healthy simple snack will be provided during the morning and evening sessions.
- It is important for adult Friends to start and finish programs promptly; as otherwise parents/sponsors may have to leave the adult program before it is over.
- It is important to remember that Children’s Sessions are an integral program of Annual Sessions and not merely a service to accommodate adults while they attend programs.
- Medical Release Forms must be filled out for all children under 18. Please mail with the registration form or bring with you.
High School Program
The Youth Oversight Committee and High School Friends (entering grade 9 through recent high school graduates) plan the program. Consult the Youth Coordinator for program specifics.
Adult Young Friends
The Adult Young Friends of ILYM are a group of 18 to 35 year old Friends led to maintain a sense of community. While a subgroup of adult Friends, AYFs participate as active adult members of ILYM. They welcome new members with open arms.
ILYM Annual Sessions is a gathering of approximately 200 people at the beautiful Illinois Yearly Meeting campus which is surrounded, to the horizon, by corn and soybean fields. On the south side of “Quaker Lane” is the meetinghouse, parking areas, several large tents, a farmhouse, and several outbuildings. The tents are used for the children’s programs, workshops, and outdoor dining. On the north side of the road is a campground which includes a parking area, a showerhouse, space for tents, 6 small cabins, and buildings used for High School and Middle School Friends.
Annual Sessions is primarily planned and managed by volunteers, so we ask everyone to pitch in. All Friends over age 10 are asked to sign up for at least two volunteer jobs during Annual Sessions, which might include helping during a meal, cleaning a bathroom, or helping with childcare or the children’s programs. Volunteer sign-up sheets are located near the registration table.
Please do not bring pets. Do not smoke in the buildings or on the grounds (including campground). Keep noisy activities away from Friends who need quiet. Respect the surrounding farm crops and property.
DIRECTIONS: The meetinghouse address is: 14365 N. 350th Ave., McNabb, IL 61335.
- From Champaign-Urbana: Take I-74 west to Bloomington-Normal, then I-39 north to Rt. 18 west. Near Magnolia, take Rt. 89 north. After Edgewood Park Golf Club on the left, turn right at the “Friends Meetinghouse” sign (Co. Rd. 350N). After about ½ mile, the meetinghouse is the large white building on your right.
- From St. Louis: Take I-55 north to Bloomington/Normal, then I-39 north. From here, same as from Champaign-Urbana.
- From Chicago: Take I-80 west past Ottawa, then I-39 south to Rt. 71 west, then Rt. 89 south. Go past McNabb about 1½ miles, and look for the “Friends Meetinghouse” sign at the first cross-street (Co. Rd. 350N) and turn left. After about ½ mile, the meetinghouse is the large white building on your right.
- By Amtrak: Transportion between the Princeton, IL, station and the ILYM campus can be arranged via the registation form.
PARKING: There is parking for campers on the north side of the road at the front of the camping area. Vehicles should not be driven into the camping area. There is parking on the south side of the road for non-campers between the meetinghouse and Clear Creek House. This includes a marked parking area for Friends with disabilities. PHONE: The meetinghouse & Clear Creek House number is 815-882-2214. Non-local calls must be collect only.
EMERGENCIES: Dial 911 for emergencies. St. Margaret’s Hospital is in Spring Valley: emergency number is 815-664-1464. Spring Valley is north on Rt. 89. There are several medical clinics in the area. Information will be available in handouts at the registration desk.
ACCESSIBILITY: The meetinghouse has a ramped entrance and wheelchair accessible restrooms. The showerhouse in the camping area is also accessible, but you must go through a grassy area to get to it. The dining room is in the basement and is not wheelchair accessible, but meals can be served in the dining tent. First floor of Clear Creek House is wheelchair accessible.
FEES AND SUPPORTING THE COST OF SESSIONS: Realizing that attenders represent a diverse community of people, ILYM has adopted a pay as led approach to covering the costs of Annual Sessions and to allow it to be affordable to a greater number of people. A daily fee has been calculated related to the cost of holding sessions and an estimated number of adults attending sessions, additionally a daily fee has bee calculated for those only attending sessions virtually. Attenders, whether on-site or virtual are asked to reflect on the cost ILYM incurs for their attendance at sessions and pay as led in relation to this cost and their ability to afford this cost.
COVID CONCERNS: Guidance of Federal and Illinois health authorities will be followed. Dining seating will be relaxed and expanded to additional places. Lodging capacity in cabins and Clear Creek House may be reduced. WHAT TO BRING: Musical instruments, recreational equipment, clothes for active wear, bathing suit (for those going swimming), towel, sun-screen, mosquito repellent, flashlight, rain gear, and linens (if staying in cabins or Clear Creek House). Showers are available for bathing. Coin-op laundry is available in Spring Valley.
VARIETY SHOW is on Saturday afternoon. This is a supportive group that is easily entertained.
NEW ATTENDERS MEETINGS: New attenders meetings help orient Friends new to ILYM Annual Sessions and take place on Wednesday at the end of the evening program and on Saturday at breakfast time. Please gather at the registration table. If you need information at any other time, check with the check-in/registration table.
TECHNOLOGY: There are no duplicating facilities. Please bring what you will need. There is wireless internet available. The password will be displayed near the registration table.
REDUCE DIRTY DISHES: Bring your own coffee cup or drink bottle.
Come early and find out what fun it can be to work towards a common cause with a great bunch of people. Be a part of transforming 12 acres of land into a most useful site for hundreds of people.
Site Prep takes place on the days before the beginning of Annual Sessions. All ILYM Friends are cordially invited to help get the campus ready before the main event begins. Meals and housing during Site Prep are free, so come and enjoy good comradeship while building up your sweat equity.
Site Prep will begins Saturday, June 11, and concludes after lunch on Wednesday, June 15 (you can arrive in the evening of Friday, June 10).
If you plan to attend, please out following Site Prep Attendance form.
Site Clean-up: On Sunday, June 19, after the conclusion of the sessions, please plan to stay an hour or two after lunch and help with clean up.
Please fill out the following form
if you plan to attend site prep
Link to online site prep registration form in its own window.
Clear Creek House and cabins are full. There is plenty of space to camp.
Camping: There is a campground on the north side of the road that has a showerhouse. There is additional “primitive” camping south of Clear Creek House. The primitive camping area has one port-a-potty. Campers will need to use the showerhouse in the other campground for all other needs. Children should not camp in the primitive camping area because of safety hazards in area outbuildings. If you want to camp and need electricity, please indicate on the registration form. Cords should not be run from buildings to tents.
Cabins: There are 6 cabins with room for 8 people each in bunkbeds. Cabins have no electricity. They may be filled to capacity depending on demand. Individuals with specific needs (e.g., mobility issues, small children, cannot camp, other special reasons) will be given preference for cabins. If you have a special reason for needing a cabin, include it on the registration form. Linens, blankets, and pillows should be brought.
Clear Creek House: There are 6 lodging spaces in the Clear Creek House for up to 14 people. Rooms may be shared. Individuals with specific needs (e.g., health and mobility issues) will be given preference. If you have a special reason for needing to stay in Clear Creek House, include it on the registration form. Linens should be brought.
High School Bunkhouse: There is a large bunkhouse which can hold up to 40 high school Friends and chaperons.
Cabin and Clear Creek House occupancy levels: Due to concerns about COVID spread, occupancy levels stated above may be reduced in 2022.
Off-Site Housing Information as of March 22. You may be able to find better rates and additional places. Rates listed are for 2 persons for one weekend night. Prices are subject to change and do not include tax. Some people have success calling them when a web booking indicated they are fully booked.
City | Name | Address | Phone | Rate |
Oglesby | Days Inn | 120 N. Lewis Ave. | 815-883-9600 | $139 |
Oglesby | Best Western | 900 Holiday Ave. | 815-833-3535 | $190 |
Peru | Super 8 | 1851 May Rd. | 815-223-1848 | $84 |
Peru | Fairfield Inn | 4385 Venture Dr. | 815-233-7458 | $174 |
Peru | La Quinta | 4389 Venture Dr. | 815-244-9000 | $140 |
Peru | Hampton Inn | 4422 N. Peoria St. | 815-220-8400 | $133 |
Peru | Holliday Inn Express | 5253 Trompeter Rd. | 815-224-2500 | $181 |
Peru | Quality Inn | 5240 Trompeter Rd. | 815-223-8585 | $119 |
Wenona | America's Best Value | 5 Cavalry Dr. | 815-853-4371 | $52 |
Stay informed about what is happening in ILYM. Get updates and further details on Annual Sessions programming Subscribe to the twice-a-month e-newsletter.
Send a request to illinoisym⊗ilym.org. Please include your name and meeting along with your e-mail address.
Registration for virtual sessions closes June 12. You will be able to register for in-person attendance at the registration desk or through the on-line form throughout sessions.
ILYM uses a pay as led approach to cover the costs of sessions. A per day adult fee of $50.00 reflects a representative amount if received by each adult attender that would be needed to cover the cost of Annual Sessions. There is an alternative representative fee of $15 per day adult fee for virtual-only attendees. ILYM does not assess a fee for children and high school attenders. Considered costs include expenses for meals, on-site housing, programs, and infrastructure for on-site and virtual components.
Link to on-line registration
Link to download PDF registration form
Link to download additional Medical Release and Children's Sessions forms
p>During on-campus Annual Sessions there is a series of folders is on the entry table. These folders contain additional documents for use during Annual Sessions. Links to the content of these folders follow below. Links will be active when content is available.
- Minutes of business sessions
- Supplementary and late arriving documents
- Schedule updates and additions
- State of Society Reports
- Memorial Minutes
- Minutes from Fall Continuing Committee and Spring Continuing Committee
- Files for “Help Think about Next Year's Annual Sessions go to ilym.org/planning.
- Site Overall Coordinator Form (Chicago North)
- Program Overall Coordinator Form (Chicago South)
- Food Overall Coordinator Form (BRQ)
- Instructions and Pointers for Joining On-line Sessions (Note: from 2020, so might be slightly different than current Zoom version).